Chapter I: Purpose and Need



    Purpose of and Need for the Project

    Planning Context

    Management Goals

    Issues and Concerns



    Chapter II: Alternatives



    Overview of the Alternatives

    Alternatives Considered but Dismissed

    Action Alternative Mitigation Measures

    Summary of Environmental Consequences



    Chapter III: Affected Environment



          Impact Topics Considered in this Assessment

          Impact Topics Dismissed from Further Analysis

    Regional Setting

    Natural Resources

          Geology, Geologic Hazards, and Soils

          Hydrology, Floodplains, and Water Quality




          Special-Status Species

          Air Quality


    Cultural Resources


          Overview of Human Occupation

          Archeological Resources

          Ethnographic Resources

          Cultural Landscape Resources, including Historic Sites and Structures

          Existing Environmental and Associated Cultural Resource Documentation

    Social Resources

          Scenic Resources


          Park Operations and Facilities



    Chapter IV: Environmental Consequences



          Cumulative Impacts

          Context, Duration, Intensity, and Type of Impact



          Natural Resources

          Cultural Resources

          Social Resources

    Alternative 1: No Action

          Natural Resources

          Cultural Resources

          Social Resources

    Alternative 2: Controlled Demolition

          Natural Resources

          Cultural Resources

          Social Resources



    Chapter V: Merced Wild and Scenic River



    Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

    Merced Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive Management Plan


    Consistency with the Merced River Plan



    Chapter VI: Consultation and Coordination


    Compliance History

    Scoping History

    On-Site Public Meeting

    Results of Scoping

    Public Comment Period


    Future Information



    Chapter VII: List of Preparers and Reviewers



    Chapter VIII: Glossary


    Glossary of Terms




    Chapter IX: Bibliography



    Map Data







Appendix A: Cumulative Projects

Appendix B: Regulations and Policies

Appendix C: Section 7 Determination

Appendix D: Special-Status Species Evaluation




List of Figures


Figure I-1: Project Location I-2

Figure II-1: Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Demolition Area II-5

Figure II-2: Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Isometric: Controlled Demolition II-6

Figure II-3: Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Features II-7

Figure II-4: Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Area II-10



List of Tables


Table II-1: Summary of Environmental Consequences (II-21)

Table III-1: Special-Status Species Retained in this Analysis (III-26)

Table III-2: Recent Ozone and PM-10 Concentration Data for Yosemite National Park and Vicinity (III-28)

Table IV-1: Typical Noise Levels from Construction Equipment (IV-29)

Table V-1: Effects of the Proposed Action on Outstandingly Remarkable Values in the Yosemite Valley Segment of the Merced Wild and Scenic River Corridor (V-14)





Main . Table of Contents . Abstract . Executive Summary . Scoping Summary . Fact Sheet . Superintendent's Letter . Environmental Assessment . FONSI

 I. Purpose and Need  |  II. Alternatives  III. Affected Environment  IV. Environmental Consequences  V. Merced Wild and Scenic River  VI. Consultation and Coordination  |   VII. Preparers and Reviewers VIII. Glossary  IX. Bibliography  |  Appendices