I. Purpose and Need  |  II. Alternatives  III. Affected Environment  IV. Environmental Consequences  V. Merced Wild and Scenic River  VI. Consultation and Coordination  |   VII. Preparers and Reviewers VIII. Glossary  IX. Bibliography  |  Appendices


Appendix C

Section 7 Determination


Purpose of this Determination

The purpose of this determination is to evaluate the impact of the proposed Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Removal Project on the free-flowing condition and the Outstandingly Remarkable Values for which the Merced River was designated Wild and Scenic.


The authority for this determination is found in Section 7(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (Public Law 90-542, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 1271-1278). Section 7(a) states:

      “no department or agency of the United States shall assist by loan, grant, license or otherwise in the construction of any water resources project that would have a direct and adverse effect on the values for which such river was established, as determined by the Secretary charged with its administration.”

While the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act does not prohibit development along a river corridor, it does specify guidelines for the determination of appropriate actions within the bed and banks of a Wild and Scenic River. As the designated river manager for the Merced River segments located within the boundaries of Yosemite National Park and the El Portal Administrative Site, the National Park Service must carry out a Section 7 determination on all proposed water resources projects[1] to ensure they do not directly and adversely impact the values for which the river was designated.[2]

Wild and Scenic  River  Designation

In 1987, the U.S. Congress designated the Merced a Wild and Scenic River  to protect the river’s free-flowing  condition and to protect and enhance its unique values for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations (16 United States Code [USC] 1271). This designation gives the Merced River special protection under the Wild and Scenic  Rivers Act.

The passage of Public Law 100-149 on November 2, 1987 and Public Law 102-432 on October 23, 1992 placed 122 miles of the main stem and South Fork of the Merced River, including the forks of Red Peak, Merced Peak, Triple Peak, and Lyell into the Wild and Scenic  River  System. The National Park Service manages 81 miles of the Merced River, encompassing both the main stem  and the South Fork  in Yosemite National Park and the El Portal Administrative Site . The U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management  administer the remaining 41 miles of the designated river.

Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Removal Project Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Section 7 Determination

Table C-1 presents the Section 7 evaluation for the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Removal Project. This evaluation is based on guidance provided in the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: Section 7 Technical Report (Interagency Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinating Council), Appendix C, Evaluation Procedure under Direct and Adverse.” The “direct and adverse” evaluation procedure is carried out for water resources projects licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or other federally assisted water resources projects within the Wild and Scenic River Boundary of the designated river. The Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge is within the bed and banks of the Merced River. All proposed activities will occur within the Wild and Scenic boundary of the Merced River. The Section 7 Determination process applies only to the proposed action.

TABLE C-1: Section 7 Evaluation for Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Removal Project

Evaluation Criteria

Project Data

Define the Proposed Activity

Project proponent

National Park Service, Yosemite National Park


Purpose and need for the project

The purpose of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Removal Project is to:

·          Protect visitor health and safety by eliminating the threat posed by the failing concrete bridge.

·          Protect park resources from localized flooding that could result from uncontrolled bridge collapse during a high water period.

·          Prevent the difficult and potentially dangerous removal of bridge debris from the river that would be required if the bridge collapsed.

·          Protect park infrastructure (e.g., the historic Happy Isles Gauging Station and Happy Isles Vehicle Bridge, as well as water supply lines) from possible damage due to uncontrolled bridge collapse by removing the bridge before it collapses of its own accord.

·          Protect Happy Isles Gauging Station from gauge calibration distortion caused by an uncontrolled bridge collapse.

·          Enhance the free-flowing condition of the river.

The need for the proposed project arose as a result of the 1997 flood damage to the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge. Structural damage sustained by the bridge during the 1997 flood, as well as subsequent deterioration and structural failure (including a large sinkhole on the river-left abutment), have resulted in the need to remove the failing bridge before it collapses of its own accord. The National Park Service intends to remove the failing structure, which has been closed to the public since 1997.


Initial and subsequent evaluations by the Federal Highway Administration in 1997, 1998, and 2001 (letters on file at Yosemite National Park) indicate that the bridge is in danger of collapse due to severe flood damage, and total collapse of the river-left side of the structure is imminent. The undermined river-left abutment and subsequent settlement have rendered the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge unsafe.


Geographic location of the project

The Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge is located on the main stem of the Merced River in Yosemite National Park, at the far east end of Yosemite Valley (Latitude 37°43'54", Longitude 119°33'28" NAD27). Refer to Figure I-1 of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Removal Project Environmental Assessment.


Project description

The proposed action is the Controlled Demolition Alternative, which involves partially removing the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge. The river-right abutment, which is located on a large boulder on the riverbank, will be retained to protect the historic Happy Isles Gauging Station. The Controlled Demolition Alternative will involve separating the bridge into liftable segments and removing the segments using equipment located on the riverbank. A temporary containment system (e.g., a reinforced tarp, netting,  cage, or floating barge) will be installed beneath the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge to catch small amounts of debris during partial bridge removal. This containment system will prevent slurry from concrete saws, as well as small debris, from falling into the Merced River. However, not all demolition debris would be prevented from falling into the river; masonry debris greater than 2 inches in any dimension and all metal debris that inadvertently fall into the river would be removed. A temporary structural support system (e.g., scaffolding, jacks, or mechanical lifts) may be installed, if necessary, to prevent uncontrolled collapse of the bridge structure during demolition or to anchor the containment system.


Once the river-left abutment has been removed, the existing void in the riverbank will be filled and shaped to match adjacent bank composition (boulders, cobbles, and gravels) and contour. The large size of substrate materials along this stretch of the river provides for bank stability. Riparian vegetation will be planted to match conditions of adjacent portions of the riverbank, but would not be relied upon to provide for bank stability along this steep gradient section of the river.  A viewing platform will be established on the river-right abutment of the bridge. The platform will allow visitors views of the Merced River.


Duration of the proposed activities

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requires that demolition activities occur during low water months. In-channel activities therefore will take place during the fall of 2001, when flow of the Merced River is expected to be less than 200 cubic feet per second (approximately 95% of the time). Bridge demolition will be avoided during higher flow periods.


Magnitude and/or extent of the proposed activities

Refer to the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Removal Project Environmental Assessment, Chapter IV, Environmental Consequences for detailed data concerning potential impacts of the proposed action.



The proposed action will protect Outstandingly Remarkable Values from possible damage from uncontrolled collapse of the bridge, make a small improvement to the free-flowing condition of the river, and restore natural fluvial processes in the vicinity of the river-left abutment of the bridge. Mitigation (e.g., Best Management Practices, and resource-specific measures) is incorporated into the proposed action. Refer to the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Removal Project Environmental Assessment, Chapter II, Alternatives for mitigation measures incorporated into the proposed action.


Relationship to past and future management activities

The Yosemite Valley Plan calls for the replacement of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge. The Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Removal Project is being executed consistent with the Merced Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive Management Plan and General Management Plan. Implementation of the proposed action will not alter management of this river segment.


Describe How the Proposed Activity Will Directly Alter Within-Channel Conditions

The position of the proposed activity relative to the streambed and streambanks


The Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge is located within the bed and banks of the Merced River. The demolition activities to remove the bridge will occur within the bed and banks of the Merced River as well.

Any likely resulting changes in:

Active channel location


Removal of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge will eliminate an existing constriction to the natural flow of the Merced River. Currently, the bridge is causing localized bank erosion, stream widening, and can result in storm-related flooding that adversely impacts areas beyond the riverbanks and threatens park facilities. Once removed, the river channel is expected to return to a more natural flow condition, similar to what existed prior to bridge construction. The river-right abutment, which will be left in place, will not impede river flows during normal flow conditions because the abutment is anchored on a large boulder that controls the majority of flow around the abutment. The active channel location will not be altered. The bridge removal action will improve the active channel by returning it to more natural conditions.


Channel geometry (cross-sectional shape, width, depth characteristics)

The project will remove the river-left abutment and bridge deck leaving the river-right abutment intact to protect the Happy Isles Gauging Station from flood damage and excessive scour. The bridge removal will eliminate a constriction to natural river flow and removing the river-left abutment will reduce the occurrence of stream bank erosion and scour that form downstream eddies adjacent to the abutment. The river reach in the immediate vicinity of the bridge will be returned to flow conditions similar to those that existed prior to the bridge construction. Overall channel geometry, both in the project vicinity and along the entire reach will be unaffected.


Channel slope (rate or nature of vertical drop)

The current configuration of the bridge does not alter the slope of the river channel and the overall channel slope through this segment will remain unaffected by the bridge removal.


Channel form (straight, meandering, or braided)

The Merced River through the project area is a straight river channel underlain by boulders and cobbles. Removal of the bridge will not affect the channel form.


Relevant water quality parameters (turbidity, temperature, nutrient availability)


The removal of the bridge will not result in a long-term net increase or decrease of turbidity, temperature, nutrient availability, or other pollutant loads (sediment, bacteria) within the Merced River.


Navigation of the river

River navigation is not applicable to this section of river.


Describe How the Proposed Activity Will Directly Alter Riparian and/or Floodplain Conditions

The position of the proposed activity relative to the riparian area and floodplain


The Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge is located within the bed and banks of the Merced River – below ordinary high water and within the 100-year floodplain.

Any likely resulting changes in:

Vegetation composition, age structure, quantity, or vigor

Project implementation could result in the possible removal of one mature tree. The tree would be removed only if deemed necessary. Should the tree be removed, the National Park Service would either cut and remove the tree from the site, cut and retain the tree to contribute woody debris to the river, or destabilize and control the fall of the tree to retain woody debris and a natural-appearing fallen tree with the root ball attached. Such activities would occur subsequent to bridge demolition. Removal of the river-left abutment will somewhat improve free-flow of the Merced River and return this portion of the river to a more natural state, thereby enhancing its biological integrity. Minor regrading and revegetation will increase bank and vegetation integrity in this area.


Relevant soil properties such as compaction or percent bare ground

No long-term adverse impact to soil resources is anticipated.  The project may decrease concentrated visitor use on the riverbank in the river-left abutment area thereby reducing soil compaction and improving riverbank soil conditions.


Relevant floodplain properties such as width, roughness, bank stability, or susceptibility to erosion

Currently, the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge constricts river flow. As was observed during the January 1997 flood, the bridge can act as a debris dam, forcing flood waters to leave the riverbanks and flood areas adjacent to the river. Because the project will remove the constriction and the river has ample capacity, the river is not expected to overflow its banks at flood stage. The project restores the river to more natural flow conditions and therefore, will reduce the potential for flooding due to river constriction. The project will not affect the natural floodplain properties within this reach.


Once the river-left abutment has been removed, the existing void in the riverbank will be filled and shaped to match adjacent bank composition (boulders, cobbles, and gravels) and contour. The large size of substrate materials along this stretch of the river provides for bank stability. Riparian vegetation will be planted to match conditions of adjacent portions of the riverbank, but would not be relied upon to provide for bank stability along this steep gradient section of the river. Because this reach of the Merced River is underlain by large granitic boulders and these boulders naturally armor the riverbank, the placement of boulders in the vicinity of the river-left abutment would essentially replace boulders that were removed when the bridge was built. This will return the bank to a more natural condition, as can be seen immediately upstream and downstream of the bridge.


Describe How the Proposed Activity Will Directly Alter Upland Conditions

The position of the proposed activity relative to the uplands


The proposed action is located within the bed and banks of the Merced River. Uplands will not be affected by the proposed action.


Any likely resulting changes in:

Vegetation composition, age structure, quantity, or vigor


No measurable effect to age, vigor, quantity, structure or composition of upland vegetation. Minor regrading and revegetation would increase local bank and vegetation integrity. Implementation of these measures under the proposed action would result in localized beneficial effects on vegetation. The extent and quality of vegetation throughout the remainder of the Yosemite Valley segment of the river would be unaffected.


Relevant soil properties such as compaction or percent bare ground


No measurable effect to upland soil resources. Site restoration and stabilization would repair eroded areas and increase the protection of riverbanks, adjacent trails, and Yosemite Valley’s water supply line, resulting in a localized beneficial impact on soils. Native soils throughout the remainder of the Yosemite Valley segment of the river would be unaffected.


Relevant hydrologic properties such as drainage patterns or the character of surface and subsurface flows


No measurable effect to upland hydrologic properties. No portion of the proposed action, including equipment staging, demolition activities, or materials storage, would be located within or otherwise affect surface or subsurface drainage patterns from the uplands to the Merced River.


Potential changes in upland conditions that would influence archeological, cultural, or other identified significant resource values


All actions would be performed in accordance with stipulations in the park’s 1999 Programmatic Agreement. The proposed action would have no measurable effect to archeological, cultural, or other identified significant resource values in upland areas.


Evaluate and Describe How Changes in On-Site Conditions Can or Will Alter Existing Hydrologic or Biologic Processes

The ability of the channel to change course, re-occupy former segments, or inundate its floodplain

Currently, the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge constricts river flow. As was observed during the January 1997 flood, the bridge can act as a debris dam, forcing flood waters to leave the riverbanks and flood areas adjacent to the river. Because the project will remove the constriction and the river has ample capacity, the river is not expected to overflow its banks at flood stage. The project restores the natural river flow conditions and therefore, will reduce the potential for storm-stage flooding due to river constriction.


Streambank erosion potential, sediment routing and deposition, or debris loading

Streambank erosion potential is highest when river flow is constricted by an in-stream structure such as a bridge. The proposed action will remove the bridge, thereby removing the constriction, restoring flows to more natural conditions, and restoring natural erosion, sedimentation, and depositional processes. The presence of the river-right abutment will not initiate or increase streambank scour caused by upstream eddies because the abutment is anchored on a large boulder that controls the majority of flow around the abutment.

Once the river-left abutment has been removed, the existing void in the riverbank will be filled and shaped to match adjacent bank composition (boulders, cobbles, and gravels) and contour. The large size of substrate materials along this stretch of the river provides for bank stability. Riparian vegetation will be planted to match conditions of adjacent portions of the riverbank, but would not be relied upon to provide for bank stability along this steep gradient section of the river. Because this reach of the Merced River is underlain by large granitic boulders and these boulders naturally armor the riverbank, the placement of boulders in the vicinity of the river-left abutment would essentially replace boulders that were removed when the bridge was built. This will return the bank to a more natural condition, as can be seen immediately upstream and downstream of the bridge.


The amount or timing of flow in the channel

Removal of the bridge deck and river-left abutment will not affect flow rates or discharge of the river.


Existing flow patterns

Removal of the bridge deck and river-left abutment will eliminate an existing constriction to the natural flow of the Merced River. Once removed, the river channel is expected to return to a more natural flow condition, similar to what existed prior to bridge construction. By removing the bridge deck and river-left abutment, constriction of flood waters behind the bridge will be eliminated and the river should remain within its banks during flood stage. Retaining the river-right abutment will not impede river flows during normal flow conditions because the abutment is anchored on a large boulder that controls the majority of flow around the abutment.


Surface and subsurface flow characteristics

The proposed action will have no measurable effect on surface or subsurface flow characteristics. No portion of the proposed action, including equipment staging, demolition activities, or materials storage, would be located within or otherwise affect surface or subsurface drainage patterns from the uplands to the Merced River.


Flood storage (detention storage)

By removing the bridge deck and river-left abutment, constriction of flood waters behind the bridge will be eliminated and the river will remain within its banks during flood stage. Otherwise, there will be no measurable effect to flood storage as a result of the proposed action.


Aggregation and/or degradation of the channel

No measurable effect to aggregation and/or degradation of the channel. The proposed action will remove the bridge deck and river-left abutment, thereby removing the river-constricting bridge, restoring natural flows, and restoring natural erosion, sedimentation, and depositional processes.


Biological processes such as:


Reproduction, vigor, growth and/or succession of streamside vegetation

Removal of the river-left abutment will somewhat improve the free-flow of the Merced River and return this portion of the river to a more natural state, thereby enhancing its biological integrity. Minor regrading and revegetation in this area will improve bank and vegetation integrity.


Nutrient cycling

No measurable effect is anticipated. The proposed action will not adversely affect riparian vegetation, woody debris or free-flowing characteristics (major contributing components of riverine nutrient cycling) of the Merced River. Local nutrient availability and cycling may be temporarily affected during the 2-month demolition period due to an increased amount of fine sediment released in the river. However, the sediment dislodged by construction associated with the proposed action is anticipated to be less than would occur under the No Action Alternative, as construction activities would be centralized in one location along the riverbank. In the long-term, nutrient availability will be enhanced because the minor regrading and revegetation will improve bank and vegetation integrity.

Fish spawning and/or rearing success


No measurable effect is anticipated. The river in the vicinity of Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge is swift and lacks fish spawning or rearing habitat (e.g., riffles, pools, gravel substrate). Minor regrading and revegetation would increase bank integrity, somewhat improving fish habitat. The extent and quality of fish habitat throughout the remainder of the Yosemite Valley segment of the river would be unaffected.


Riparian dependent avian species needs


No measurable effect is anticipated. The river in the vicinity of Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge supports no riparian vegetation. No riparian vegetation would be removed under the proposed action. The extent and quality of avian habitats throughout the remainder of the Yosemite Valley segment of the river would be unaffected.


Amphibian/mollusk needs


No measurable effect is anticipated. The river in the vicinity of Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge is swift and lacks amphibian or mollusk habitat. The proposed action would not have an adverse effect on amphibian or mollusk needs. The extent and quality of amphibian and mollusk habitats throughout the remainder of the Yosemite Valley segment of the river would be unaffected.


Species composition (diversity)


No measurable effect is anticipated. Upon project completion, the biological integrity of the site would be enhanced.


Estimate the Magnitude and Spatial Extent of Potential Off-Site Changes

Consider and document:


Changes that influence other parts of the river system


The effects of the proposed action are localized and will not result in changes that will influence other portions of the Merced River system.


The range of circumstances under which off-site changes might occur (for example, as may be related to flow frequency)


Once the bridge is removed, river flow will no longer be constricted in this area, and natural flow processes will largely prevail. There are no obvious circumstances under which offsite change will occur.

The likelihood that predicted changes will be realized


The predicted change for this project is that more natural, unconstricted flows will be restored under the proposed action. There is every indication that these predicted changes will be realized.

Specify processes involved, such as water and sediment, and the movement of nutrients


Natural fluvial processes such as free-flow and sediment transport would be enhanced upon completion of the proposed action.


Define the Time Scale Over Which Steps 3-6 are Likely to Occur

Review steps 3-6, looking independently at the element of time.  Define and document the time scale over which the effects will occur

Demolition will occur over a period of about 2 months. Riverine system adjustment to a natural hydrologic regime will be immediate.


Outstandingly Remarkable Values

Outstandingly Remarkable Values are the river-related values that make the river segment unique and worthy of special protection. They form the basis for the river’s designation as a Wild and Scenic River. Outstandingly Remarkable Values identified for the Valley segment of the Merced River include:

Scientific – The entire river corridor constitutes a highly significant scientific resource because the river watershed is largely within designated Wilderness in Yosemite National Park. Scientific Outstandingly Remarkable Values relate to the Merced River’s value for research. This Outstandingly Remarkable Value applies to all the Merced River segments.

      Scenic – This segment provides magnificent views from the river and its banks of waterfalls (Nevada, Vernal, Illilouette, Yosemite, Sentinel, Ribbon, Bridalveil, and Silver Strand), rock cliffs (Half Dome, North Dome/Washington Column, Glacier Point, Yosemite Point/Lost Arrow Spire, Sentinel Rock, Three Brothers, Cathedral Rock, and El Capitan), and meadows (Stoneman, Ahwahnee, Cook’s, Sentinel, Leidig, El Capitan, and Bridalveil). There is a scenic interface of river, rock, meadow, and forest throughout the segment.

      Geologic Processes/Conditions – This segment contains a classic, glaciated, U-shaped valley, providing important examples of a mature meandering river; hanging valleys such as Yosemite and Bridalveil Creeks; and evidence of glaciation (e.g., moraines below El Capitan and Bridalveil Meadows).

      Recreation – This segment offers opportunities to experience a spectrum of river-related recreational activities, from nature study and sightseeing to hiking. Yosemite Valley is one of the premier outdoor recreation areas in the world.

      Biological – Riparian areas and low-elevation meadows are the most productive communities in Yosemite Valley. The high-quality, vast riparian, wetland, and other riverine areas provide rich habitat for a diversity of river-related species, including special-status species, neotropical migrant songbirds, and numerous bat species.

      Cultural – This segment contains evidence of thousands of years of human occupation, reflected in the large number of archeological sites and continuing traditional use today. Nationally significant historic resources are found here, such as designed landscapes and developed areas, historic buildings, and circulation systems (trails, roads, and bridges) that provide visitor access to the sublime views of natural features that are culturally valuable.

      Hydrologic Processes – This segment is characterized by a meandering river, world-renowned waterfalls, an active flood regime, oxbows, unique wetlands, and fluvial processes.

Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge is a component of the Valley segment cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value since it is a contributing element to the Yosemite Valley Cultural Landscape, and it is part of the circulation systems that provide visitor access to the sublime views of natural features that are culturally valuable.

Effects of the Proposed Action on Outstandingly Remarkable Values

The proposed action would remove Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge using controlled demolition methods. Controlled demolition would avoid catastrophic collapse of the bridge, and the associated localized adverse effects on scientific, biological, cultural, and hydrologic processes Outstandingly Remarkable Values (see table C-2). Overall, the proposed action would have localized beneficial effects on the scenic, recreation, biological, and hydrologic processes Outstandingly Remarkable Values. Removal of the damaged Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge would have localized adverse effects on this cultural resource. The avoidance of damage to the historic Happy Isles Gauging Station and pool could have a beneficial effect on the scientific Outstandingly Remarkable Value on a segment-wide level. The effects of the proposed action on Outstandingly Remarkable Values are summarized below and discussed in further detail in table C-2. Generally, the effects of the proposed action largely would be localized, and limited to the immediate Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge project area, thus having no effect on the scenic, recreation, biological, cultural, and hydrologic processes Outstandingly Remarkable Values on a segment-wide level.

The proposed action would avoid catastrophic collapse of the bridge, which could damage the historic Happy Isles Gauging Station (and pool), which is important for scientific research purposes on a segment-wide level in Yosemite Valley. The proposed action would retain the river-right abutment to protect the Happy Isles Gauging Station from damage. On a segment-wide basis, the proposed action could have a beneficial effect on the scientific Outstandingly Remarkable Value.

With respect to the scenic Outstandingly Remarkable Value, the proposed action would provide a river-viewing platform on top of the river-right abutment, which would provide opportunities from this location for views from the river and its banks of waterfalls, rock cliffs, and the scenic interface of river, rock, meadow, and forest. The proposed action would protect the scenic Outstandingly Remarkable Value on a localized level by providing a river-viewing platform. On a segment-wide level, however, the proposed action would have no effect on the scenic Outstandingly Remarkable Value.

With respect to the geologic processes/conditions, the proposed action would have no effect on this Outstandingly Remarkable Value since controlled demolition would not affect the classic U-shaped valley, hanging valleys, or evidence of glaciation.

The proposed action would provide a river-viewing platform on top of the river-right abutment, which would allow opportunities to experience a spectrum of river-related recreational activities. Provision of a river-viewing platform would negligibly enhance the recreation Outstandingly Remarkable Value on a localized level. Although the proposed action would have localized beneficial effects, on a segment-wide level the proposed action would have no effect on the recreation Outstandingly Remarkable Value.

With respect to the biological Outstandingly Remarkable Value, the proposed action would involve minor regrading and revegetation of the river banks in the immediate vicinity of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge, which would have site-specific, long-term, beneficial effects on bank and vegetation integrity. Catastrophic collapse of the bridge under the No Action Alternative could result in extensive erosion, as well as an uncontrolled release of bridge debris into the Merced River that could temporarily affect downstream riparian and aquatic resources and river-related special-status species. The proposed action would avoid these impacts to biological resources. Although the proposed action would locally enhance this Outstandingly Remarkable Value, on a segment-wide level the proposed action would have no effect on the biological Outstandingly Remarkable Value.

With respect to the cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value, although the proposed action would result in the loss of a contributing element of the Yosemite Valley Cultural Landscape and a component of the Valley segment cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value, the effects would be localized. The Valley segment cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value includes circulation systems (trails, roads, and bridges) in their entirety. Although the loss of an individual component of such a circulation system is locally adverse, the loss of individual elements (particularly an element that is in danger of uncontrolled collapse and whose cultural integrity has been undermined due to its inability to function in the manner for which it was designed) would not degrade the cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value on a segment-wide basis. In addition, controlled removal of the bridge would avoid potential damages from uncontrolled collapse of the bridge to other components of the cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value, including Happy Isles Vehicle Bridge and the Happy Isles Gauging Station. The adverse effects of the proposed action would be limited to Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge, and would have no effect on significant historic resources throughout the remainder of Yosemite Valley. Although the proposed action would have localized adverse effects, on a segment-wide level the proposed action would have no effect on the cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value.

Controlled removal of Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge would help restore the active flood regime and fluvial processes in the immediate vicinity of the bridge. In addition, the proposed action would avoid localized, catastrophic adverse effects to fluvial processes in the Happy Isles area associated with collapse of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge under the No Action Alternative. Although the proposed action would locally enhance this Outstandingly Remarkable Value, on a segment-wide level the proposed action would have no effect on the hydrological Outstandingly Remarkable Value.

TABLE C-2:   Effects of the Proposed Action on Outstandingly Remarkable Values in the Yosemite Valley Segment of the Merced Wild and Scenic River Corridor

Outstandingly Remarkable Value

Effects of the Proposed Action

Scientific – The entire river corridor constitutes a highly significant scientific resource because the river watershed is largely within designated Wilderness in Yosemite National Park. Scientific Outstandingly Remarkable Values relate to the Merced River’s value for research. This Outstandingly Remarkable Value applies to all the Merced River segments.

The proposed action would remove the bridge using controlled demolition methods. Controlled demolition would avoid catastrophic collapse of the bridge, which could damage the historic Happy Isles Gauging Station and alter the gauging station pool. Maintenance of the gauging station and pool is important for scientific research purposes on a segment-wide level in Yosemite Valley. The gauging station has recorded hydrologic data since 1915, and has produced the longest continuous record of streamflow data available anywhere in California and is one of the 49 benchmark gauges in the United States. The gauging station also acts as an early warning system for floods in Yosemite Valley. The proposed action would retain the river-right abutment to protect the Happy Isles Gauging Station from damage and excessive scouring in high flow conditions. Segment-wide the proposed action would contribute to the protection of the scientific Outstandingly Remarkable Value. The proposed action could have a beneficial effect on the scientific Outstandingly Remarkable Value on a segment-wide basis.

Scenic – This segment provides magnificent views from the river and its banks of waterfalls (Nevada, Vernal, Illilouette, Yosemite, Sentinel, Ribbon, Bridalveil, and Silver Strand), rock cliffs (Half Dome, North Dome/Washington Column, Glacier Point, Yosemite Point/Lost Arrow Spire, Sentinel Rock, Three Brothers, Cathedral Rock, and El Capitan), and meadows (Stoneman, Ahwahnee, Cook’s, Sentinel, Leidig, El Capitan, and Bridalveil). There is a scenic interface of river, rock, meadow, and forest throughout the segment.

The proposed action would provide a river-viewing platform on top of the river-right abutment, which would provide opportunities from this location for views from the river and its banks of waterfalls, rock cliffs, and the scenic interface of river, rock, meadow, and forest. As compared to the No Action Alternative, there are no such viewing opportunities from this location. The proposed action would protect the scenic Outstandingly Remarkable Value on a localized level by providing a river-viewing platform on the river-right abutment. On a segment-wide level, however, the proposed action would contribute only negligibly to the enhancement of the scenic Outstandingly Remarkable Value. Therefore, the proposed action would have no effect on the scenic Outstandingly Remarkable Value on a segment-wide level.

Geologic Processes/Conditions – This segment contains a classic, glaciated, U-shaped valley, providing important examples of a mature meandering river; hanging valleys such as Yosemite and Bridalveil Creeks; and evidence of glaciation (e.g., moraines below El Capitan and Bridalveil Meadows).

The proposed action would have no effect on the geologic processes/conditions Outstandingly Remarkable Value. The controlled demolition of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge would not affect the classic U-shaped valley, hanging valleys, or evidence of glaciation.

Recreation – This segment offers opportunities to experience a spectrum of river-related recreational activities, from nature study and sightseeing to hiking. Yosemite Valley is one of the premier outdoor recreation areas in the world.

The proposed action would provide a river-viewing platform on top of the river-right abutment, which would allow opportunities to experience a spectrum of river-related recreational activities, including nature study, sightseeing, photography, and enjoying solitude and natural sounds along the river over the long term.

Recreation (cont.)

Provision of a river-viewing platform would negligibly enhance the recreation Outstandingly Remarkable Value on a localized level. The effects of the proposed action would be limited to the immediate vicinity of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge, and would have no effect on the spectrum of river-related recreational activities throughout the remainder of Yosemite Valley. Although the proposed action would have localized beneficial effects, on a segment-wide level the proposed action would have no effect on the recreation Outstandingly Remarkable Value.

Biological – Riparian areas and low-elevation meadows are the most productive communities in Yosemite Valley. The high-quality, vast riparian, wetland, and other riverine areas provide rich habitat for a diversity of river-related species, including special-status species, neotropical migrant songbirds, and numerous bat species.


The proposed action would involve minor regrading and revegetation of the river banks in the immediate vicinity of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge, which would have site-specific, long-term, beneficial effects on bank and vegetation integrity. The proposed action also would somewhat improve riparian, wetland, and other riverine areas that provide rich habitat for a diversity of river-related species, including special status species.

Catastrophic collapse of the bridge under the No Action Alternative could result in extensive erosion, as well as an uncontrolled release of bridge debris into the Merced River that could temporarily affect downstream riparian and aquatic resources and river-related special-status species. The proposed action would avoid these impacts to biological resources.

The effects of the proposed action would be largely limited to the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge area, and would have no effects on river-related biological resources throughout the remainder of Yosemite Valley. Although the proposed action would locally enhance this Outstandingly Remarkable Value, on a segment-wide level the proposed action would have no effect on the biological Outstandingly Remarkable Value.

Cultural – This segment contains evidence of thousands of years of human occupation, reflected in the large number of archeological sites and continuing traditional use today. Nationally significant historic resources are found here, such as designed landscapes and developed areas, historic buildings, and circulation systems (trails, roads, and bridges) that provide visitor access to the sublime views of natural features that are culturally valuable.


Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge is a component of the Valley segment cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value. As part of the National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 documentation of the Yosemite Valley Cultural Landscape, Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge is listed as a contributing resource related to Yosemite Valley’s circulation system.

Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge has sustained extensive damage in recent years, the bridge was damaged by felled trees during the massive rockfall and related windblast in the Happy Isles area in July 1996, and was severely damaged in a major flood in January 1997. Subsequent to the flood, Happy Isles

Cultural (cont.)

Gauging Station Bridge was deemed unsafe by representatives of the Federal Highway Administration. The National Park Service closed the bridge for safety reasons in July 1997. The cultural integrity of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge has been undermined due to its inability to function in the manner for which it was designed.

Continued deterioration of the bridge would likely result in its uncontrolled collapse. Since the bridge is failing, controlled removal under the proposed action would be beneficial for other components of the Yosemite Valley Cultural Landscape, such as Happy Isles Vehicle Bridge and Happy Isles Gauging Station, both of which could be damaged should the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge catastrophically collapse. The proposed action would be undertaken by the National Park Service in accordance with stipulations in the park’s 1999 Programmatic Agreement.

Although the controlled removal of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge would result in the loss of a contributing element of the Yosemite Valley Cultural Landscape and a component of the Valley segment cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value, the effects would be localized. The Valley segment cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value includes circulation systems (trails, roads, and bridges) in their entirety. Although the loss of an individual component of such a circulation system is locally adverse, the loss of individual elements (particularly an element that is in danger of uncontrolled collapse and whose cultural integrity has been undermined due to its inability to function in the manner for which it was designed) would not degrade the cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value on a segment-wide basis. In addition, controlled removal of the bridge would avoid potential damages to other components of the cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value, including Happy Isles Vehicle Bridge and the Happy Isles Gauging Station. The adverse effects of the proposed action would be limited to Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge, and would have no effect on significant historic resources throughout the remainder of Yosemite Valley. Although the proposed action would have localized adverse effects, on a segment-wide level the proposed action would have no effect on the cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value.

Cultural (cont.)

Controlled removal of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge could have an adverse impact to historic archeological resources due to ground-disturbing activities. The adverse effects of the proposed action would be limited to the immediate vicinity of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge, and would have no effect on historic archeological resources throughout the remainder of Yosemite Valley. Although the proposed action would have localized adverse effects, on a segment-wide level the proposed action would have no effect on the cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value.

Ethnographic resources, including traditional use areas, would not be affected under the proposed action.

Hydrologic Processes – This segment is characterized by a meandering river, world-renowned waterfalls, an active flood regime, oxbows, unique wetlands, and fluvial processes.


Controlled removal of Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge would help restore the active flood regime and fluvial processes in the immediate vicinity of the bridge. The removal of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge would eliminate constriction of river flow and improve the local, natural hydrologic regime. The proposed action would have a localized, beneficial effect on the flood regime and fluvial processes.

In addition, the proposed action would avoid localized, catastrophic adverse effects to fluvial processes in the Happy Isles area associated with collapse of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge under the No Action Alternative. Controlled removal of the bridge would avoid potential bank erosion and localized flooding associated with catastrophic bridge collapse. The avoidance of these adverse effects would have a localized, beneficial effect on fluvial processes.

The effects of the proposed action would be largely limited to the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge area, and would have no effects on fluvial processes or the flood regime throughout the remainder of Yosemite Valley. Although the proposed action would locally enhance this Outstandingly Remarkable Value, on a segment-wide level the proposed action would have no effect on the hydrological Outstandingly Remarkable Value.


Consistency with Management Goals

Management goals provide long-range direction for Yosemite National Park. This project must carefully balance multiple goals, including the goals of Yosemite National Park’s General Management Plan, Merced Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive Management Plan , and Yosemite Valley Plan.

General Management Plan  Goals

The General Management Plan  for Yosemite National Park sets forth five broad goals for management of the park as a whole. The goals include:

·         Reclaim priceless natural beauty

·         Allow natural processes to prevail

·         Promote visitor understanding and enjoyment

·         Markedly reduce traffic congestion

·         Reduce crowding


Reclaim Priceless Natural Beauty

Implementation of the proposed action will have a beneficial effect because it will remove from the visual landscape a dilapidated bridge and will largely restore the natural character of the river in the immediate vicinity of the bridge. The river-right abutment will remain in place to protect the Happy Isles Gauging Station. Establishment of a viewing platform on this abutment will provide a beneficial use of the structure in terms of visual resources, as it will allow visitors views of the Merced River. The proposed action is consistent with this management goal.

Allow Natural Processes to Prevail

The proposed action will partially remove a human-made structure from the bed and banks of the Merced River. Free-flow and natural fluvial processes (e.g., erosion, sediment transport, and deposition) will be largely restored. The proposed action is consistent with this management goal.

Promote Visitor Understanding and Enjoyment

The proposed action will establish a river-viewing platform on the river-right abutment of the bridge. The platform will allow visitors views of the Merced River, which will promote visitor enjoyment of the river and natural surroundings. The proposed action is consistent with this management goal.

Markedly Reduce Traffic Congestion

The Happy Isles footbridge was not used as a vehicle bridge and there is limited traffic flow in the Happy Isles area. The proposed action will not alter traffic conditions within Yosemite National Park.

Reduce Crowding

The proposed action will not alter crowding conditions within Yosemite National Park.

Merced Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive Management Plan Goals

While the Merced River Plan works in concert with the goals set forth in the General Management Plan, it also outlines an additional set of goals for management of the Merced Wild and Scenic River. The Merced River Plan’s five goals were developed to further the policy established by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, namely to preserve designated rivers in their free-flowing condition, and protect and enhance the river’s Outstandingly Remarkable Values. The Merced River Plan goals include:

·         Protect and enhance river-related natural resources

·         Protect and restore natural hydrological and geomorphic processes

·         Protect and enhance river-related cultural resources

·         Provide diverse river-related recreational and educational experiences

·         Provide appropriate land uses

Protect and Enhance River-Related Natural Resources

The proposed action will partially remove a human-made structure from the bed and banks of the Merced River. Free flow and natural fluvial processes (e.g., erosion, sediment transport, and deposition) will be largely enhanced. Removal of the river-left abutment will return this portion of the river to a more natural state, thereby enhancing its biological integrity. Minor regrading and revegetation in this area will improve bank and vegetation integrity. The proposed action is consistent with this management goal.

Protect and Restore Natural Hydrological and Geomorphic Processes

The proposed action will partially remove a human-made structure from the bed and banks of the Merced River. Removal of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge deck and river-left abutment will eliminate an existing constriction to the natural flow of the Merced River. Currently, the bridge is causing localized bank erosion, stream widening, and can result in storm-related flooding that adversely impacts areas beyond the riverbanks and threatens park facilities. Once removed, the river channel is expected to return to a more natural flow condition, similar to what existed prior to bridge construction. The river-right abutment, which will be left in place, will not impede river flows during normal flow conditions because the abutment is anchored on a large boulder that controls the majority of flow around the abutment. The bridge removal action will improve the active channel by returning it to more natural conditions. The proposed action is consistent with this management goal.

Protect and Enhance River-Related Cultural Resources

Partial removal of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge will require demolition operations along the banks of the Merced River. Ground-disturbing activities could result in an adverse impact to historic archeological resources. Any ground disturbing activity will be conducted in accordance with the 1999 Programmatic Agreement.

Based on a cultural resources inventory of Yosemite National Park, completed in 1994, the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge is a contributing feature of the Yosemite Valley Cultural Landscape, that is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The controlled demolition of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge will result in the loss of this cultural resource, resulting in an adverse effect on this historic structure. The bridge, however, is damaged beyond repair, and its uncontrolled failure is imminent. Should the bridge collapse, it could damage the historic Happy Isles Vehicle Bridge or Happy Isles Gauging Station downstream of the bridge. Controlled removal of the bridge prevents damage to these important historic resources, which beneficially effects cultural resources. Removal of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge will be conducted in accordance with the 1999 Programmatic Agreement. In 1991, the bridge was documented to Historic American Engineering Record standards, which included historical and descriptive data, measured drawings, and archival photographs. In accordance with the protocols agreed upon by Yosemite National Park and the State Historic Preservation Officer on March 20, 1997, the current level of documentation for the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge was determined sufficient.

The proposed action is consistent with this management goal.

Provide Diverse River-Related Recreational and Educational Experiences

The proposed action will not alter river-related recreational or educational experiences within the river corridor. The proposed action is consistent with this management goal.

Provide Appropriate Land Uses

The proposed action will not alter land use within the river corridor.

Compatibility with the Management Elements of the Merced River Plan

Relationship to Boundary

The proposed action would occur within the Merced Wild and Scenic River Boundary in Segment 2, Yosemite Valley.

Classification Compatibility

The east Valley river segment in which the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge is located is classified as Recreational due to its accessibility and the amount of development within the boundary. The proposed action would partially remove a failing and river-constricting bridge from the banks of the Merced River. The aggregate amount and type of shoreline development would decrease slightly under this action. The proposed action is compatible with the Recreational classification.

Outstandingly Remarkable Values

See the discussion of Outstandingly Remarkable Values above.

Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Section 7 Determination Process

Pursuant to the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, the National Park Service must carry out a Section 7 determination on all proposed water resources projects to ensure that they do not directly and adversely impact the Outstandingly Remarkable Values for which the river was designated. The Section 7 determination for the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Removal Project is included herein. The proposed action is consistent with this management element of the Merced River Plan.

River Protection Overlay

The Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge would be partially removed under the proposed action, which would improve free-flowing conditions in this area. Since one of the purposes of the River Protection Overlay is to protect and restore hydrologic processes within the river corridor, the proposed action would be consistent with the River Protection Overlay. Based upon the River Protection Overlay prescriptions, nonessential facilities (such as the river-right bridge abutment) can remain in the overlay if they are required for the maintenance of historic properties, and it is impractical to locate them elsewhere. Since the river-right abutment would be left in place to protect the historic Happy Isles Gauging Station and provide a viewing platform from which to observe the Merced River, this alternative would be consistent with the River Protection Overlay.

Once the river-left abutment has been removed, the existing void in the riverbank would be filled and shaped to match adjacent bank composition (boulders, cobbles, and gravels) and contour. The large size of substrate materials along this stretch of the river provides for bank stability. Because this reach of the Merced River is underlain by large granitic boulders and these boulders naturally armor the riverbank, the placement of boulders in the vicinity of the river-left abutment would essentially replace boulders that were removed when the bridge was built. This would return the bank to a more natural condition, as can be seen immediately upstream and downstream of the bridge. As a result, the proposed action would be consistent with the River Protection Overlay.

Management Zoning

The Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge Removal Project is located in management zone 2C, Day Use and 2D, Attraction. The project is within the boundaries of the Merced Wild and Scenic River. Resource projection activities in these zones include restoring natural processes and river channel dynamics.

The Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge itself is located in management zone 2C. The conversion of the river-right abutment to a viewing platform would be consistent with visitor use activities permissible in the Day Use zone. This zone allows for relatively high visitor use levels in an accessible setting. Retention of the gauging station and river-right abutment is consistent with the types of facilities allowed in a 2C zone. The Day Use zone is intended to accommodate interpretive exhibits, utilities, as well as other similar types of facilities. Partial removal of the failing, channel-constricting bridge would be consistent with the resource protection activities permissible in the Day Use zone.

A portion of the project work area is located within management zone 2D. The proposed bridge demolition activities, including the incorporation of Best Management Practices, would be consistent with the types of activities permissible within management zone 2D.

Visitor Experience and Resource Protection Compatibility

The proposed action does not include any actions that are inconsistent with the interim Visitor Experience and Resource Protection framework.

Yosemite Valley Plan Goals

The Yosemite Valley Plan carries forward the goals of the General Management Plan (discussed above) and also identifies four specific purposes. The purposes of the Yosemite Valley Plan include:

·     Restore, protect, and enhance the resources of Yosemite Valley

·     Provide opportunities for high-quality, resource-based visitor experiences

·     Reduce traffic congestion

·     Provide effective park operations, including employee housing, to meet the mission of the National Park Service

Restore, Protect, and Enhance the Resources of Yosemite Valley

The proposed action will partially remove a human-made structure from the bed and banks of the Merced River. Free flow and natural fluvial processes (e.g., erosion, sediment transport, and deposition) will be largely enhanced. Currently, the bridge is causing localized bank erosion, stream widening, and can result in storm-related flooding that adversely impacts areas beyond the riverbanks and threatens park facilities. Once removed, the river channel is expected to return to a more natural flow condition, similar to what existed prior to bridge construction. Minor regrading and revegetation in this area will improve bank and vegetation composition and integrity.

Based on a cultural resources inventory of Yosemite National Park, completed in 1994, the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge is a contributing feature of the Yosemite Valley Cultural Landscape, eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The controlled demolition of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge will result in the loss of this cultural resource, which will have an adverse effect on the cultural landscape. The bridge, however, is damaged beyond repair, and its uncontrolled failure is imminent. Should the bridge collapse, it could damage Happy Isles Vehicle Bridge (a component of the Yosemite Valley Cultural Landscape) and the historic Happy Isles Gauging Station immediately downstream of the bridge. Controlled removal of the bridge prevents damage to these important historic resources, which beneficially effects cultural resources.

The proposed action is consistent with this purpose.

Provide Opportunities for High-quality, Resource-based Visitor Experiences

The proposed action will provide a river-viewing platform on top of the river-right abutment, which will encourage recreational opportunities in the immediate vicinity of Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge. The proposed action is consistent with this purpose.

Reduce Traffic Congestion

The Happy Isles footbridge has not been used as a vehicle bridge since 1929, and there is limited traffic flow in the Happy Isles area. The proposed action will not alter traffic conditions within Yosemite National Park.

Provide Effective Park Operations, Including Employee Housing, to Meet the Mission of the National Park Service

The proposed action will result in a localized, beneficial effect on park facilities and operations because it will remove a failing facility from the corridor of the Merced River. The proposed action is consistent with this purpose.

Section 7 Determination

The proposed action will partially remove a human-made structure from the bed and banks of the Merced River. Free flow and natural fluvial processes (e.g., sediment transport, natural erosion and deposition) will be enhanced in this area of the river. Upon removal of the Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge deck and river-left abutment, the localized flow within the channel will no longer constrict river flows thereby reducing riverbank erosion and the potential for storm-stage flooding caused by material accumulation behind the bridge structure. Reduction of the flood hazard will reduce over-bank flooding and associated erosion during large storm events. The proposed action will result in localized, beneficial effects to scenic, recreation, biological, and hydrologic processes Outstandingly Remarkable Values and localized adverse and beneficial effects to the cultural Outstandingly Remarkable Value. On a segment-wide basis, however, Valley segment Outstandingly Remarkable Values would not be appreciably affected, with the exception of a beneficial effect to the scientific Outstandingly Remarkable Value due to the avoidance of damage to the Happy Isles Gauging Station. The National Park Service concludes that the proposed action will enhance free-flow of the Merced River and will not have a segment-wide direct and adverse effect on the Outstandingly Remarkable Values for which the river was designated Wild and Scenic.





Superintendent, Yosemite National Park







Regional Director Pacific West Region, National Park Service



[1]    A water resources project is any dam, water conduit, reservoir, powerhouse, transmission line, or other works project under the Federal Power Act, or other developments that would affect the free-flowing characteristics of a wild and scenic or congressionally authorized study river. In addition to projects licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, water resources projects may also include: dams, water diversions, fisheries habitat and watershed restoration, bridges and other roadway construction/reconstruction projects, bank stabilization projects, channelization projects, levee construction, boat ramps, fishing piers, and activities that require a Section 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Interagency Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinating Council 1999).

[2]    This description of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Section 7 determination process is adapted from a technical report by the Interagency Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinating Council (Interagency Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinating Council 1999).


Main . Table of Contents . Abstract . Executive Summary . Scoping Summary . Fact Sheet . Superintendent's Letter . Environmental Assessment

 I. Purpose and Need  |  II. Alternatives  III. Affected Environment  IV. Environmental Consequences  V. Merced Wild and Scenic River  VI. Consultation and Coordination  |   VII. Preparers and Reviewers VIII. Glossary  IX. Bibliography  |  Appendices