Who comprises the YI staff?
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The Yosemite Institute management team consists of the Executive Director,
the Program Director, the Education Director, the Site Manager, the Business Manager, and
the Food Service Manager. This group of people supports our Field Instructors, who, in turn, provide outstanding educational programs.
Yosemite Institute has 30 full-time Field Instructors. All are college graduates with degrees in related disciplines and are experienced teachers and leaders of groups in outdoor settings. They bring great diversity of experience, a passion for teaching, and lot of fun and
energy to our program.
YI staff are talented, dynamic and eclectic in their outdoor, educational and personal
pursuits. Many travel the world to experience other cultures and wild places, climb some of the world's most challenging rock faces, fly fish local rivers, and explore trails in the high Sierra. We are proud to say that they bring to the teaching field with them the same zest for educating people of all ages as they do for life!
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